High education (abroad)
Higher education in the United States is considered one of the best in the world.
As you know, American universities pay attention to the extracurricular achievements of students in sports, art, and social-work and accept those who are particularly proactive and who they believe will add brightness and diversity to the life of the university. At the same time, not only is the level of achievement considered but also the area of focus, and tennis plays a significant role here.
Getting into American universities is a long and complicated process. The application for admission is a long form on which the applicant is obliged to record not only his marks at school and standard exams, but also his own interests, achievements and awards outside the school curriculum, as well as one or several essays on the given topics. In addition, the student is obliged to submit recommendations from teachers and, in some universities, to undergo an interview with a graduate volunteer and much more.
The International Tennis Academy will help make the process of entering American universities as comfortable and trouble free as possible. We offer:
• Comprehensive training of the applicant in tennis and GPP
• TOEFL and SAT Exam Preparation
• Producing a tennis video for a portfolio
• Individual selection of the university in accordance with the tennis and academic levels
• Assistance in registering in NCAA and NAIA leagues (registration in these leagues will allow you to find out what time period is allowed to play at the university—from 1 to 4 years)
• Assistance in the preparation of documents for admission to the university
• Assistance in obtaining a visa and an I-20 Form
• Support and assistance in various situations
• Assistance with employment